Hair Transplant

What Is Hair Transplant?

There are many individuals, both man and women, who have lost more or less of their hair due to different reasons. If you are among those there are some hair transplant options you may consider.

Hair Transplant procedure is one of the most advanced procedures that requires high level of skill, experience and time. With hair transplant surgery your hair can be restored to its natural growth for life.

When done by experienced and highly skilled surgeon the result of hair transplant procedure may look completely natural.

Hair Transplant is a procedure of relocation (transplant) patients own follicles of hair from the, genetically resistant to bolding, back of the head to the balding areas on top of the head.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Hair Transplant?

Both, man and women who are losing their hair. There is a way to determine patient’s degree of baldness, by our physician, and according to it develop the plan for hair transplant.
How Should You Prepare for Hair Transplant?

During your initial preoperative visit with your surgeon, we will need your complete medical history, including all of your medications, allergies and previous surgeries. You will undergo a through physical examination and blood tests. Feel free to talk to your doctor about the exact look you are hoping to achieve and any questions you have about your procedure.

Your surgeon will provide you with additional preoperative instructions.

How Is Hair Transplant Performed?

Depending on the procedure, your surgeon will recommend the best choice for you. Today’s hair transplant surgery is one day out procedure that requires only local anesthesia. Most patients will be surprised with how little discomfort they felt and if any, there may be some after the surgery.

First step is preparation of the patient for the procedure. Surgeon will use patients own follicles from the back of the head, that are genetically resistant to balding. The donor area will be chosen and trimmed, in order to prepare it for surgery. Local anesthesia will be applied.

The donor tissue that contains bald resistant follicles will be surgically removed and the area sutured, in order to make scar almost invisible.

Surgical technicians will use microscopes to view and dissect donor tissue in order to prepare follicular units hair grafts. Number of grafts needed depends on the degree of hair loss and the goal set by a patient and surgeon in consultations.

After local anesthesia, bald recipient area is ready for a hair transplant. No trimming or shaving is needed in the top recipient area.

Tiny incisions are made in the recipient area in irregular patterns; in order to mimic nature. Follicular unit graft are then carefully placed into those incisions in varying densities. Usually smallest one and two hair grafts are placed in the front of the area; on the hairline. Three and four hair grafts are placed behind them.

Typical Hair Transplant procedure takes around 5 to 8 hours depending upon the number of grafts.

What Is Recovery Like After Hair Transplant?

Immediately after Hair Transplant patient will have hundreds of tiny incisions with short hair protruding from the new grafts. Those tiny incisions with hair grafts will heal relatively fast. The redness and scabbing usually disappears within a week. Also, some numbness and soreness may be expected several days after the procedure.

First few days after surgery hair transplants will be noticeable if there is no previous hair to mask the typical pink scabs that form around micro incisions temporarily. Those will heal completely within a week to ten days.

Once the transplanted hair grows out the result will look completely natural.

Will the Results of Hair Transplant Be Permanent?

Transplanted hair follicles are genetically resistant to balding and will continue to grow for a lifetime. Therefore, the answer is – yes, results are permanent.

The transplanted hair will grow very thin initially and gradually form thicker and fuller. It takes around one year for transplanted hair to fully mature. Of course, it will continue to grow.

Are There Any Possible Complications From Hair Transplant?

When surgery is performed by a qualified surgeon, complications are rare and usually minor. Nevertheless, as with any surgery, there are potential complications and risks. Your consultation is crucial. Your physician will spend time discussing these with you during your scheduled consultation. Be sure to bring a list of questions or concerns with you. All patients are instructed to discuss the general surgical risks with their surgeon.

As with any surgical procedure there is a risk of infection and scarring. Patient mat also experience temporary swelling, mild discomfort and discoloration of the scalp.

Good communication between doctor and patient is always important. We encourage you to talk with us about all of your questions and concerns.