Skinologica Peel

What Is Skinologica Peel?

The Skinologica Peel is a chemical peel that can restore more beautiful and healthier skin to the face, chest, neck, hands, and even the legs and arms.

The Skinologica Peel can effectively improve a wide variety of skin conditions, such as sun-damage, uneven pigmentation, freckling and shallow acne scars. Although the Skinologica Peel can improve facial wrinkling, it cannot correct deep wrinkles and sagging skin. In this case, a face lift might be a more appropriate option. When you visit us for a Skinologica Complexion Analysis, we will create the best rejuvenation plan for your specific complexion.

Unlike alpha hydroxy and glycolic acid chemical peels, the Skinologica Peel uses a slow-acting trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solution applied to the skin to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. There are no internal toxic effects since TCA is not absorbed through the skin. The slow action of the Skinologica Peel solution enables us to control the peel process and its depth. It reduces wrinkling, renews a more youthful appearance and tightens the skin.

Who Are Good Candidates for Skinologica Peel?

People who have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Fine wrinkles
  • Acne or chicken pox scars
  • Superficial scars from past injury
  • Freckling
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Brown spots and blotchy skin colorings
  • Pigmentary changes and blemishes

On the initial consultation with your surgeon please remember to tell us about any history of sensitivity to the sun, viral infections, or prior skin treatments including dermabrasion within the past 6 months. Also, explain the level of skin improvement you wish to achieve. We will review your medical history and examine your skin type and pigmentation to determine how many Skinologica Peels will be required.

How Is Skinologica Peel Performed?

Skinologica Peel treatments are performed on an out-patient basis in our office, usually without sedation and take about 25 to 30 minutes. If sedation is used, someone needs to drive you home after your treatment.

Depending on your desired results and skin type, you will probably require from 1 to 4 coats of Skinologica Peel solution applied to various areas of skin.

Once applied, the Skinologica Peel produces a peeling and separation of the outer layers of the skin. Most patients experience a warm to hot sensation, which may last as long as two to three minutes, followed by a stinging sensation.

Skinologica Cream for Skin Health

Skinologica Cream is a professional-grade treatment designed to provide younger-looking skin, tighter, healthier and smoother – regardless of age, skin type or color. We will recommend a Skinologica Cream home treatment program to ensure proper healing after your Skinologica Peel.