Wrinkles And Scars Removal

What Is the Treatment to Remove Wrinkles, Scars?

Dermal Fillers are injections of Hyaluronic Acid, a substance that is naturally in your skin and depletes over time. Careful injection of fillers can fill-in the gaps naturally occurring in the layer of Hyaluronic Acid in your skin, returning the volume under the wrinkle and lifting the skin up to appear smooth and youthful. Dermal Fillers Treatments can restore fullness and reduce wrinkles around the mouth and lips, lessening the appearance of facial lines, acne and other scars in a natural-looking way.

How Can Fillers Improve Scars?

You may have an indentation from acne scars, a surgery, a cut from a sports injury, or for a number of other reasons. This deficiency can stand out in your appearance and detract from your facial aesthetics. For some, scars can even be painful reminders of past problems. Dermal fillers are often the best option for diminishing the visibility of scars on the face by eliminating skin irregularities and restoring the skin to its natural texture and shape. By filling in the deficiencies that are responsible for these indented scars, you may find that your scars are no longer noticeable. Facial fillers are safe and minimally invasive treatments that require little to no recovery time. This, combined with their effectiveness, make them the leading choice for acne scar treatment without the prolonged recover associated with surgery.

Who Are Good Candidates For Treatment to Remove Wrinkles, Scars?

Good candidates for this procedure include those with deep facial lines or scars, a hallowing of facial features due to fat loss, and those who wish to enhance the size and/or shape of their lips.

How Is a Treatment to Remove Wrinkles, Scars Procedure Performed?

Your skin is made of two layers, with supporting columns holding them apart. The area in-between includes the clear-jelly like substance Hyaluronic Acid. While young, the Hyaluronic acid is in abundance. As you grow older, the acid between these layers diminishes, and the skin somewhat caves, causing a wrinkle along the line. The wrinkle would be gone if you filled that area back up with the Hyaluronic Acid jelly-like substance. That’s where dermal fillers come in.

The fillers are injected into the skin with a very thin needle. It is injected into the area, and restores the natural volumes underneath the wrinkle. The wrinkle is now lifted up and smoothed out. All of this takes about 30 minutes, leaves no marks or scars, and the results can be seen immediately.

Swelling in the treatment area(s) may occur, but will dissipate in 24 to 72 hours. Most clients return to their normal daily activities post-treatment.

Facial lines and features that can be corrected using these hyaluronic acid fillers are:

  • Worry lines that run across the forehead (forehead lines)
  • Crow’s feet at the corner of the eyes (periorbital lines)
  • Frown lines that run between the eyebrows (glabellar lines)
  • Smoker’s lines which are vertical lines on the mouth (perioral lines)
  • Marionette lines at the corner of the mouth (oral commissures)
  • Deep smile lines that run from side of the nose to corners of the mouth (nasolabial furrows)
  • Cheek depressions
  • Redefining lip border
  • Acne scars
  • Some facial scars

How Long Does a Treatment to Remove Wrinkles, Scars Injection Last?

The fillers are naturally metabolized by the body and additional injections will be required to maintain the volume in the skin under the wrinkles or increase the volume of the lips. Dermal fillers are, however, long lasting – typically lasting six to twelve months!

What Are Side Effects of Treatment to Remove Wrinkles, Scars?

Depending on the area injected and the type of filler or pain control used, patients may find the procedure relatively painless to mildly uncomfortable. Treatments around the nose or lip areas are usually more painful.
The obvious immediate side effect is of slight bleeding after the needle has been inserted into the skin. Other risks include mild bruising, redness and swelling that may also occur around the site of injection. These signs may take 2 – 3 days to vanish completely, especially around the lips where there is little flesh and the skin is tender.
Rarely, allergic type reactions can occur after treatment with some fillers. These include prolonged redness, swelling, itching and or hardness and bumps in the skin. Such signs may appear at some or all of the points of injection. Sometimes, they can last for several months or longer, but this is extremely unusual.
If you have a history of cold sores, or fever blisters in the treated area, filler injections may cause them to break out again. In these cases, your practitioner may recommend that you take an anti-herpes medicine before treatment to help reduce the likelihood of an outbreak of cold sores.
Very occasionally, delayed side effects can occur many months after the first treatment. These side-effects usually appear as red lumps showing up underneath the skin. Sometimes, these may be permanent. There is some evidence that these may be more common with some of the newer, permanent, bead containing fillers.