Cheek Augmentation

What Is Cheek Augmentation?

High, prominent cheekbones are one of the facial features most frequently associated with beauty. Today, this underlying facial structure can be created with implants.

Whether you want heightened and well formed cheekbones like the ones you had when you were young or you’ve never had well-defined cheekbones, cheek implants may produce a dramatic change. For many people, cheek implants can provide new facial contours and dimensions to bring facial features into better balance.

Cheek implants are made in various shapes and sizes. They are made out of both solid and semi-solid materials that have been used successfully for years.


The Cheek Aging Process

Fat pads that give the cheeks definition can move, flatten, and even disappear with age, creating a bony appearance that enhances the look of wrinkles and lines. Cheek implants add definition to the cheek area, while balancing other facial features for a more youthful appearance.


Who Is a Good Candidate for Cheek Augmentation?

Patients who have thin, flat cheeks or a sunken appearance can benefit from cheek implants. In general, the best candidates for cheek augmentation are people who are: In good physical health, psychologically stable, wanting to add definition to the face, especially the upper face, have no known allergies to the implant material used, having realistic expectations for the outcome.


How Should You Prepare for Cheek Augmentation Surgery?

The initial consultation with your surgeon will require your complete medical history, so you will want to be prepared to provide the necessary information. You must be completely open and honest with your surgeon. If there is any medical problem, you will be referred to a specialist.

With all of this information, your surgeon can plan the best procedure for your needs and tell you how to adequately prepare for the procedure by giving you guidelines on what you can eat/drink, as well as what medications and vitamins to take, if needed, or what medications  you should stop taking.

Smokers are also advised to stop smoking at least two week before surgery.


How Is Cheek Augmentation Surgery Performed?

Cheek augmentation is usually performed as an outpatient procedure that usually lasts for an hour or less. The surgery can be performed under local anesthetic with sedation and an epinephrine injection will be used to limit bruising. The surgeon makes a small incision inside the mouth (above the upper lip) and the implant is then inserted through the incision. It’s then positioned in place on or below the cheekbone. After the surgery, the patient is usually not released for another few hours, in order to give the anesthetic time to wear off.


Will the Results of Cheek Augmentation Surgery Be Permanent?

Cheek implants can have long-lasting and very attractive benefits for the recipient.


What Is Recovery Like After Cheek Augmentation Surgery?

The treated area may feel tight, swollen, and uncomfortable in the days following the surgery. Pain medication may be used to lessen discomfort. Movement of the mouth may initially be difficult. If incisions are made inside the mouth, you may be placed on a liquid diet for several days until there is adequate healing to allow for chewing and food particles to come in contact with the stitches.

Mouth hygiene is important. Avoid brushing your upper teeth and using a gargle frequently.

Stitches in the mouth dissolve in approximately 10 days. Swelling also subsides quickly, but this varies, particularly if cheek implants were performed in conjunction with another surgery

Due to swelling, the results of the surgery may not be plainly visible for as long as three to four months. Scars are generally well hidden. It may not be advisable to participate in certain activities – especially activity that may result in the face being jarred or bumped – for several weeks.


What Are Possible Complications From Cheek Augmentation Surgery?

When the procedure is performed by a highly qualified cosmetic surgeon complications are rare and usually minor. However, as with any surgery, there are potential complications and risks. Your physician will spend time discussing these with you during your scheduled consultation. Be sure to bring a list of questions or concerns with you.  All patients are instructed to discuss the general surgical risks with their surgeon.

Significant complications resulting from chin implants are infrequent. As with any surgical procedure, however, there is always a possibility of infection, or reaction to the anesthesia.

When infection does occur it is generally treated with antibiotics, but in some cases this is not successful and it must be removed and later replaced. Another risk is improper placement. In some cases, implants may shift so that a second operation is necessary for repositioning. In rare cases, nerve damage may occur.

You can help minimize certain risks by following your plastic surgeon’s instructions, both before and after your surgery.