Chin Augmentation

What Is Chin Augmentation?

Chin Augmentation is a common procedure which brings balance to the facial structure by way of correcting a weak chin due to congenital deficiency, age-related bone absorption or facial trauma. Chin augmentation with an implant is the procedure of choice for most patients with normally functioning teeth and jaw development. A chin implant gives more projection of the chin and a better shape. A weak chin also makes a normal nose appear large and an already prominent nose seems even larger.

It may also give the appearance of a ‘fleshy’ neck. On the other hand, a too prominent chin may give the appearance of having too small of a nose or otherwise throwing the face off balance. The end result should be a balanced relationship within the structure of the face. Some patients prefer to have rhinoplasty in conjunction with chin augmentation in order to provide the best facial balance.


The Chin Aging Process

In some cases, chin lines that were otherwise acceptable before the aging process began may later appear to recede more than desired. The bone structure of your chin and jaw may begin to negatively affect your appearance as you age, facial bones of your chin and jaw may actually recede during the aging process, affecting your outward appearance.


Who Is a Good Candidate for Chin Augmentation Surgery?

The best candidates for Chin augmentation are patients with weak or receding chin (microgenia), but with a normal dental bite. Chin that looks too small in comparison with other facial features possibly makes the nose appear longer. Good candidates for chin implants surgery include men and women who are in good health and are looking to improve the appearance of the chin. It is also important for the patient to have a positive outlook and realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome.


How Should You Prepare for Chin Augmentation Surgery?

The initial consultation with your surgeon will require your complete medical history, so you will want to be prepared to provide the necessary information. You must be completely open and honest with your surgeon. If there is any medical problem, you will be referred to a specialist.

With all of this information, your surgeon can plan the best procedure for your needs and tell you how to adequately prepare for the procedure by giving you guidelines.

This includes avoiding aspirin, many anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements for two weeks prior to surgery. If you smoke, you may be asked by your surgeon to stop 2 weeks in advance of surgery.


How Is Chin Augmentation Surgery Performed?

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis under sedation and local anesthesia.

During the chin implant procedure, small incisions are made either inside the mouth or inconspicuously beneath the chin. The chin implant is then placed into a small pocket directly in front of the jaw bone.

Depending upon your specific needs, a silicone chin implant or a porous polyethylene chin implant will be selected, and with a size and shape that suits you best. The chin implants, made of non-reactive surgical materials, come in a variety of sizes and shapes.

Carving of the chin implant is performed when necessary to sculpt the chin implant to match your jaw anatomy. The particular implant that is placed will be chosen based upon your desires. Tapes will be placed beneath the chin to minimize swelling. Stitches placed inside the mouth will dissolve after approximately week.

If sutures are required underneath the chin, they will be removed after one week. A chin implant, when performed as an isolated procedure, takes between 30 and 60 minutes. A chin implant may be performed alone, or in combination with other facial procedures such as rhinoplasty, liposuction of the neck, facelift and necklift.


Will the Results of Chin Augmentation Surgery Be Permanent?

Chin augmentation surgery usually leads to a permanent enhancement of chin, facial, and neck balance. Patients are usually extremely satisfied with the results and enjoy a lifetime improved chin shape and facial balance.


What Is Recovery Like After Chin Augmentation Surgery?

Following chin implant surgery, you will go home on the same day.

Mild swelling and bruising, of the lower face and neck in particular, are expected after a chin implant, and generally resolve after seven to ten days.

Sutures placed inside the mouth during chin implant are all dissolvable, and any sutures beneath the chin are removed approximately five to seven days following surgery.

Most patients require 7 days recovery before returning to school, work and/or driving their car unless your work requires strenuous activity in which case you may need 2 weeks.

Light aerobic activity (light treadmill walking, stationary bicycle, recumbent bicycle) may be resumed as early as five to seven days following chin implant, and more strenuous activity is begun at two to three weeks.


What Are Possible Complications From Chin Augmentation Surgery?

When the procedure is performed by a highly qualified cosmetic surgeon complications are rare and usually minor. However, as with any surgery, there are potential complications and risks. Your physician will spend time discussing these with you during your scheduled consultation. Be sure to bring a list of questions or concerns with you.  All patients are instructed to discuss the general surgical risks with their surgeon.

Movement or displacement of the implant, bruising and swelling of the chin is the most common complications. Infection and numbness of the chin area are rare postoperative complications. Nicotine from smoking can delay healing.

Some of these complications if severe enough may delay recovery time or require further surgery for correction. Smokers, diabetics and overweight individuals have a higher incidence of complications.