About Sexual Aesthetics

Aesthetic plastic surgery is an art as much as a science. It is about making people happy.


Beautification of the female or man genitalia can improve not only their self image and body image, but can also improve their sexual confidence and satisfaction. Sexual aesthetic enhancement is the issue of sexual expression and enjoyment.

Female and Male Genital Aesthetic Surgery is still unknown to a big part of the population and a taboo subject for many. As millions of women augment breasts, inject Botox, reshape noses, lift buttocks and suck away unwanted fat, a growing number are now exploring genital cosmetic surgery. Many women are plumping up or shortening labia, tightening vaginal muscles, liposuctioning the pubic area and even restoring the hymen, while penis enhancement is a very important issue to men. Penis plastic surgery, penis enlargement, penile widening, penile lengthening are the most needed operations on penis.

Whether it’s due to the look, health issue, or lack of sexual sensation, it has more recently been understood that sexual aesthetic surgery not only changes the look of the genitals, but it improves areas of women’s or men’s lives that have, over time, started to deteriorate.

Here at Skinologica we understand the beauty, so we do make every attempt to recreate it.

The results of sexual aesthetic surgery can be a life changing event for many, ranging from improvements in appearance of private parts to improved psychosexual health.