Skin Resurfacing Procedures

Our skin changes over the years; it’s affected by: natural aging process, exposure to sun, pollution, fatigue, stress, hereditary problems such as acnes, pigmentary changes , various lifestyle consequences such as smoking, alcohol and use of some medications.

However, there are some risks, discomfort free and relatively fast procedures that will resurface your skin, improve its texture, tone and smoothness.

Skin resurfacing procedures are in fact sort of a controlled injury, made to your skin in order to make it heal and form new, healthier looking skin.

There are several skin resurfacing techniques. While the results are achieved basically the same, difference is in the way those techniques injure layers of the skin.

Is Evaluation of Skin by Plastic Surgeon Done Prior to Procedure?

Skinologica’s plastic surgeon will examine your skin, during your consultation (severity of sun made damage, unevenness of pigmentation, depth and level of skin imperfections) and recommend specific skin resurfacing technique or combination of treatments that will suit your skin and provide the best results.

You should be prepared to discuss your detailed medical history with your surgeon for your safety and in order to achieve best possible results.

X-ray treatments, current or past use of Accutane T, Retin – A or other topical preparations, prior chemical peel procedures and acne treatments must be reported to your surgeon.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Skin Resurfacing?

If you have one or more of following conditions you may be a good candidate for skin resurfacing:

  • Acne or chicken pox scars
  • Superficial scars from past injury
  • Fine wrinkles on your upper eyelids
  • Certain precancerous skin growths
  • Crow’s feet lines around eyes and some skin laxity in lower eyelid area
  • Wrinkled skin
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Vertical wrinkles around mouth
  • Brown spots and blotchy skin colorings